Efficient Musings


I'm Krishna.

I love problems. Any kind. All kind. They intrigue me. Thinking about them, figuring them out, solving them is my favorite pastime. I'm also a productivity buff. As a knowledge worker, I'm obsessed with using time efficiently. This list is an ode to people maximizing efficiency to accomplish ambitious projects.

I'm building Blaze – Superhuman for Google Drive. Blaze is the most efficient Google Drive experience. It originated from my frustrations with using a slow & unorganized Google Drive daily in my job. With Blaze, users will be able to instantly view & comment on any Google Workspace file, track file analytics, organize files intuitively, search any file very fast, and catch up on what’s happening across their organization. All of this with just keyboard shortcuts and every product interaction within 100ms.

With Blaze, I want to create a caring, honest & trustworthy experience with a great interface! You can read more about the values I'm building Blaze with here.

I was a Technical Product Manager at Dapper Labs, where I helped build blockchain-as-a-service API product for all of Dapper Labs' products. I was also part of the NBA Top Shot team as a Senior Frontend Engineer.

I'm a member of Superteam DAO – a co-operative of creatives, operators, and investors who help the most promising projects in the Solana ecosystem in the ascending world launch and grow.

Some of the problems I worked at SocialCops & Atlan are regarding maps, data dashboards & humanizing data using DataOps principles.

I've also built a Micro-SAAS product – a collaborative chat application for Monday.com's marketplace, which 3000+ organizations used for their daily communication.

Agivity is my way of putting out a problem that intrigues me, in hope that one day we'll be able to answer them, together.

Hit me up with anything related to user experience, building products, web portals, blockchain, crypto, Agivity, data, all things frontend & decentralization. Or anything else that I can help with!

Reach out at @krishna13h.

¡Hasta luego!